Over 12,500 tons of managed WEEE. Over 500 represented producers. Over 900 collection points all over the country. The year 2015 brought a lot of premieres to ECOTIC's team, a lot of steps forward and a clear vision regarding how we can make a more impactful contribution to the development of the national system of WEEE and battery waste collection, recycling and reuse.
ECOTIC's figures continue to show progress and strengths: the quality of our services (the first WEEELABEX certifications were grated to operators in our system), excellent organization, professionalism confirmed by the increased satisfaction rate with our producers, commitment.
Yet, if we look beyond figures, ECOTIC has managed to consolidate a vision for a field that would benefit so much from being open and collaborative. In other words, ECOTIC strived throughout last year to enter partnerships that are beneficial not only to the organization, but to the entire WEEE collection system in Romania.
"One of such projects marked a premiere in Romania: the study "Quantifying WEEE generated in Romania ”, made by the United Nations University, with the support of ECOTIC. It is the vastest study ever made in this field in our country. It was launched publicly at the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests and it identified the real situation of the filed to which all stakeholders - public and environmental authorities, producers' organizations, sanitation companies and recyclers - should adapt their policies and activities ” declared Valentin Negoita, ECOTIC's President.
Another important partnership in 2015 was with the City Hall of Sector 3; this partnership made it possible to implement the first street system for selective collection of small WEEE in Bucharest. So, starting with 2015, the people of Bucharest could find red containers for WEEE collection, located right next to the traditional green, blue and yellow containers for glass, paper and plastic. You can follow the link above to see their exact location.
In 2015 we continued our efforts to raise awareness and educate the public (especially the young). ECOTIC's Caravan, a project that benefits from European funding, managed to generate another year of amazing results: 150 schools involved, over 100,000 visitors in 25 towns visited the well-known itinerary exhibition of WEEE.
At the end of last year, The Clean Environment Awards Gala marked a record number of projects registered and validated, over 80, coming from all over the country.
Happy New Year 2016!