The Recycling Station, ECOTIC's itinerant campaign dedicated to the collection of used electrical and electronic equipment in the countryside, continues its path. After in 2017 and 2018 it crossed eight counties, informed about 230,000 people and collected 120 tons of WEEE (electrical and electronic waste) and in the first part of 2018 it visited Hunedoara County, the "Recycling Station" Campaign has a new pitstop, this time in Botosani County.
"The Recycling Station", in partnership with ADI ECOPROCES BOTOSANI and ECOREC RECYCLING, will visit Botoşani County in two stages: between 16 – 30 May and 15 – 29 June, during which citizens of Botosani will be able to bring electrical equipment and electronic ( WEEE) and hand it over for recycling at the ECOTIC Caravan, a mobile collection point.
This first phase of the Botosani county campaign has the following schedule:
- 16 - 18 May: Frumușica (in front of Cooperatie Frumușica Department Store - Frumusica Restaurant)
- 19 - 21 May: Flamânzi (in front of Flămânzi City Hall)
- May 22 - 24: Corni (in the school courtyard)
- 25 - 27 May: Vorona (in front of the Vorona Cultural Center)
- 28 - 30 May: Cristești (On the sportsfield in Cristești)
In order to encourage the correct recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment each citizen who will bring at the ECOTIC Caravan a minum of 5 kg combined waste will receive an instant prize and will take part in a raffle with attractive prizes, ie vouchers.
At the same time, citizens of Botosani have the option to have their bulky equipment (TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines) picked up from their homes based on previously scheduled appointments at the following number: 0732.148.550. The schedule will be set up during the first day of the campaign in each town.
Romania has the obligation to reach a collection target of 45% of electrical and electronic waste (WEEE). In this context, ECOTIC is continuing its efforts to raise awareness with a view towards delivering WEEE at the specialized collection points.
"The Recycling Station" is ECOTIC's campaign following this objective predominantly in rural areas. Alongside local authorities and ADI Ecoproces Botosani, ECOTIC informs citizens of various towns in each county it visits on the need to collect WEEE and makes available a mobile collection point where this type of waste can be brought for recycling.