Episode 3 - Waste of refrigeration equipment - dangerous for the environment?

de | May 29, 2014 | News

In this episode we will have as main topic an equipment from the appliances category namely the refrigerator, an indispensable equipment in each household. As you probably know, the refrigerator is part of a wider category, the refrigeration equipment category.

This type of electronic equipment includes a broad range of devices that according to their purpose and functions they offer to home users or to commercial sector.
The common element that characterizes these types of equipment is the ability to perform the heat transfer through a fluid which is conventionally called COOLANT.


The delimitation between legislative and technical aspects in the waste of refrigerating equipment flow was made for the first time in 2002, with 2002 / 96 / EC directive, Followed by Directive 2012/19 / EU. The requirements of these EU directives have been transposed into Romanian legislation starting with 2005.
Also quality requirements regarding collection operations, logistics and processing to the end of life of these types of waste were established in 2012, based on SR EN 50574.


Following the chronological evolution of the development of technology in heat transfer, it can be observed that since 1750, once with the discovery of the first chemical compound that achieved this heat transfer, namely the ether, in this type of equipment were used various chemical compounds as refrigerant: ammonia, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, dichloromethane, etc.
Since 1928, due to the toxic effects that these refrigerants have had on the users of refrigerating equipment, the manufacturing industry has introduced a new Refrigerant: CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), a chemical compound that was considered to have no effect on human health.
Only in 1974, it was discovered negative effects that this type of gas is called generic FREON has, namely, the deterioration of the ozone layer .
With the first discovery of a hole in the ozone layer (1985) and with the correlation effects CFC with this phenomenon with global impact, the international reaction has been materialized in the Montreal Protocol (1987), which imposed a gradual reduction of the use of CFCs, and replacing them with other chemical compounds (HCFCs). International efforts at this moment are focused on eliminating the production and use of CFCs and HCFCs by 2030 .
The effects on the ozone layer of these substances are conventionally expressed by GWP (Global Warming Potential) index, that was first introduced in the literature in 2001 by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the body which operates under the aegis of the United Nations.

Therefore, it can be seen the effects of these gases on the deterioration of the ozone layer, compared with the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2),.
Along with these chemicals part of the heat transfer system, in the waste refrigeration equipment are found the following components / chemicals containing dangerous substances:
HALOGEN OILS - derived from the compression plant and cooling equipment.

• MERCURY component - can be found in the switches from the refrigerating boxes.

• INSULATION MATERIALS WITH CFC COMPONENT- most refrigeration equipment contains an insulating material consisting of polyurethane foam (PUR). In the process of obtaining this material, for old equipment the expansion was made with CFC gases.

• OTHER COMPONENTS / CHEMICALS: printed circuit boards, lamps, bulbs, capacitors, etc.


ECOTIC, through its collection network of over 500 collection points, ensures the clean handling of this type of waste in the sole processing plant in Romania, specialized in this flow that belongs to GreenWEEE INTERNATIONAL.
The treatment process ensures the DEPOLLUTION of the equipment in two stages :
1. First stage
• Extraction of the cooling fluids: oils, refrigerants: CFC / HCFC
Degassing the oil: extraction of halogenated compounds (VFC, CFC)
• Removal of the compressor
• Removal of other dangerous items: capacitors, printed circuit boards, mercury switches, etc.
• Removal of other elements: shelves, doors.

2.Second Stage - Treatment / Depollution of the refrigerant carcass
• crushing the refrigeration equipment carcass, in a shredder, resulting in:
1. Extraction of the CFC from the insulation polyurethane foam (PUR) of refrigeration eqipment
2. Separation of plastic, ferrous, non-ferrous metals fractions
3. Pelletization of the depolluted PUR foam 

From the treatment / depollution process, the following categories of substances / materials for recycling / recovery or final disposal result:
Ferrous metals are recycled in the metal melters in order to obtain new products

• Plastics are subject to the repolymerization in order to obtain new products




Polyurethane hunger. Once extracted the expansion gasses (VFC / CFC), this material is intended for recycling or energy recovery depending on the case.

Refrigerant: cooling fluids are extracted from refrigerating equipment which are subject to removal operations.
Oils : oils are degassed for recycling or energy recovery.
The ecology lesson concludes with some advice for those who want to change their refrigeration equipment - recycle it for the environment and for your health!
The photos were made with the support of GreenWEEE International.