National Seminar “Partnership for the Environmental Education” organized by the Carpatho- Danubian Center of Geoecology

de | October. 8, 2013 | News

Carpatho-Danubian Center of Geoecology organized the national seminar "Partnership for the Environmental Education" on October 5, 2013 at the Hotel Athenee Palace-Hilton, Le Diplomate Hall.

Among the 400 guests at the event there were representatives of the Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, NEPA and GNM.
In the first part of the seminar 22 schools received the Eco- School and Green Flag status. Also the winners of contests ”ECO Patrol” and “Eco- Photo of the Year” were awarded prizes.


The second part of the seminar included the presentation of the global programs "Learning about Forests", "YRE - Young Reporters for the Environment" and "Eco-Schools".
The event was honored by Mr. Finn Bolding Thomsen, Director of FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education), CCDG being a member of FEE.



CCDG (Carpatho-Danubian Center) is an organization that provides educational programs neguvernamentalǎ quality for a sustainable environment, for more information please visit website

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