Premiere for Romania: the first Municipal Collection Center opened in Iasi

de | mart. 21, 2016 | News

A much anticipated event, the opening of the Municipal Collection Center of Iasi (CMCI) took place on March 10th, on the 26thth St. Gardener in Iasi. From now on, people of Iasi can bring to the center all sorts of waste from their households: paper, cardboard, glass, metal, construction waste, waste of electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators. It will all be directed towards the optimal recycling and reuse flows.

The event was attended by the interim mayor of Iasi, Mr. Mihai Chirica, representatives of the Ministry of European Funds, the National Environmental Protection Agency, the County Council of Iasi, the Environment Guard, the partner sanitation company Salubris SA, as well as students from Carmen Sylva school in Iasi. Representatives of Innovation Norway, development agency of the Norwegian government, were also present. They were all alongside the citizens of Iasi - the beneficiaries of the Center, who handed over the first pieces of recyclable waste.

The launch was followed by a debate hosted by the Iasi Chamber of Commerce, where talks were held regarding environmental protection programs, including selective collection projects in Romania.

“The launch of the Municipal Collection Center of Iasi is both a premiere for Romania, an example of best practices in the field of environmental protection, and a signal for other municipalities in the country regarding their major responsibilities in reaching the main objective of the framework. Directive for waste that sets Europe on course to becoming a “recycling society” - said Valentin Negoiță, President of ECOTIC.

“We took advantage of ECOTIC’s challenge to build this center. CMCI will only get results if our young generation will be educated to care for the environment. We should make it clear that no garbage will be accepted at the center. At the same time, the life of nearby communities will not be affected in any way. On a once empty and dirty field we now have a modern facility that can take all things we no longer need in our homes, things that can become dangerous if discarded in an improper way ”said Mihai Chirica, Interim Mayor of Iasi.

The opening of the Center is supported by an extensive information and awareness campaign that unfolds during the next few months. Up until March 31st, people who bring a piece of recyclable waste to the Center receive instant prizes and are eligible for a raffle with 10 attractive prizes.

The Center has a dedicated web site for more information -

Project supported with funding from the Norwegian Government through Norwegian Grants 2009-2014 within financing domain Green Innovation in Romania's Industry.