The year 2013 marked a qualitative and quantitative increase of all of ECOTICs activity. This development is the result of the numerous awareness and collection projects that volume in a WEEE collection rate of 36%, the highest one in Romania.
It is worth mentioning the permanent support given to the affiliated producers. Another aspect to be mentioned is the implementation of European standards in Romania in the quality and recycling flow of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
In 2013 ECOTIC started developing co-funded projects by European programs, using new opportunities in raising the level of awareness regarding the dangers that waste electrical and electronic equipment and batteries and accumulators have on human health. Another objective was modeling the friendly behavior towards the environment and waste recovery. In this aspect ECOTIC initiated and conducted 26 national and local campaigns.
ECOTIC has developed a network of over 500 WEEE collection points in partnership with retail stores, municipalities and collectors, in this way managing to collect over 9,000 tons.
ECOTIC BAT results in the management of waste batteries and accumulators are also outstanding: over 1 collection points set up in the whole country and a volume of 400 tons of DBA collected (collection rate of 59%).
Another important event in the European landscape was the establishment of the WEEELABEX Organization that aims to raise the quality of processing operations and traceability of the processes of reuse, recycling, recovery of WEEE and environmentally sound disposal of this waste. ECOTIC is a founding member of this organization and it is active in the development and implementation of WEEELABEX standards, this including the presence of an ECOTIC specialist in the group of experts of the WEEELABEX Organization.
To be updated regarding ECOTIC activity please visit our website, our Facebook page and LinkedIn page.