Who we are

The operators of personal data are the ECOTIC Association based in Bucharest, str. Turturelelor, no. 48, sector 3 and the correspondence office in Splaiul Unirii no.86, et 4, sector 4, telephone 031 805 57 43, e-mail address, ECOTIC BAT SRL with registered office and correspondence office: Bucharest, Splaiul Unirii no.86, 4th floor, Room 6, Sector 4, phone 031 805 57 43, e-mail address

The operators authorize SC TRUST VISION SRL, with Registered Office at: 010251 Bucharest, Str. Berzei, No. 9, Building C, Apartment 11, Sector 1 and Office and correspondence point in Bd Bucurestii Noi No. 30, Sector 1 Unique Registration Code RO14864023, No. Reg Com. J40/8697/2002, for the processing of personal data, consisting, as the case may be, of name, surname, town, telephone, address, email, static and/or dynamic images, in order to implement the project according to this regulation.

As the representative of Ecotic and ECOTIC BAT, Trust Vision will collect the following personal data:

Name, location, phone number, address, email, photo and video images

These data are collected and processed for marketing purposes and to inform users, only according to the purposes defined by the Organizers as operators. Trust Vision does not collect, store or process in any other way the data obtained during the campaign for any purpose other than those set by the Organizers and explained in this Regulation.

Within the user login mechanism, they will give their explicit consent for the processing of personal data, for each of the purposes mentioned in the regulation.

Personal data are stored in electronic format, and will be sent to the Organizer, without being stored in the application or in any other way by Trust Vision after the end of the campaign/project period, as mentioned in the regulation.

The computers on which the data are stored are protected with a password and an anti-virus system. The processing is carried out only within the EU/EEA. Trust Vision can subcontract certain technical activities related to the development of the mobile applications used in the campaign, ensuring each time that the processing does not exceed the EU/EEA borders, as well as that all the standards agreed with the ECOTIC and ECOTIC BAT operators by contract and the principles stated herein Regulations can be found in the subcontracting agreements.

At the end of the campaign period, Trust Vision ensures the deletion or destruction of all data that can be deleted and electronic media (e.g. notebooks and laptops, hard disks, CDs, DVDs, sticks USB, tapes, disks, memory cards, etc.) after the conclusion of the processing services agreed by the contract/ for which he was authorized.

The operators of personal data, as associated operators, collect data when filling in the registration form within the Ecoterrians School project, upon receiving the materials proving the project activities (photo / video materials, scans), upon completing the WEEE collection form and DBA.

 The purposes and basis of the processing of your personal data

ASOCIATIA ECOTIC processes your data provided during the registration in and development of the Ecoterrienilor project for the fulfillment of the present Regulation.

In the case of coordinating teachers, we process the following data: name, surname, email address, telephone number, the address from which the collected WEEE and DBAs will be collected, photo and / or video materials.

In the case of the participating teachers, we process the following data: name, surname, email address, telephone number, the address from which the collected WEEE and DBAs will be collected, photo and / or video materials.

In the case of students, we process the following data: name, surname, email address, telephone number, the address from which the collected WEEE and DBAs will be collected, photo and / or video materials.

We process the data of the coordinating teachers according to the contractual basis (the Regulation being the contract between the parties, accepted by registering in the campaign), according to the legitimate interest we have to demonstrate the way we run the campaign and prove the collection of waste in the campaign, as well as according to the explicit consent collected through the Declaration of Consent for the use of static and dynamic images Annex 3 to this regulation for the following purposes: running the project, maintaining communication within the project, collecting WEEE and DBA according to this regulation, promoting the campaign on the Ecoterrianul Facebook pages and the ECOTIC Association, checking carrying out the activities stipulated in the project.

Your data is not subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.

To whom and where we transmit your personal data

It is possible to transmit your personal data collected through this form to entities, authorized operators for the collection of WEEE/DBA, Trust Vision, agency working for ECOTIC in order to implement the project well.

Your data is not transferred to third countries or international organizations.

For what period we process your data collected through this form

We keep your data strictly for a period of 5 years from the start date of the project in order to implement it, to solve your request for WEEE and DBA collection according to OM 578/2006, as well as to prove its implementation after its completion.

What rights do you have?

You may at any time exercise your right to access, rectify or delete data, to restrict processing or to object to processing, the right to portability, and the right not to be subject to an automatic decision.

You can also withdraw your consent, in which case we will immediately stop processing your personal data if the processing is based on consent. This will lead to your exclusion or the materials for which you withdraw your consent from the project, no longer being able to count for the score.

In order to exercise these rights, you can contact the Operators at the following address

Also, regarding the processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing (

For further information

Please read the Privacy Policy and Personal Data Processing of the Subscriber, displayed here.


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