"Green Bee" is a unique project in Romania developed by Green Revolution Association in partnership with Dorna and Mega Image, targeting children ages 6-14 in Bucharest and Ilfov county.
The objective of Green Bee Project is to change the attitude towards the environment even from childhood, by encouraging the eco skills of the pupils.
ECOTIC joined this cause on Saturday June 8, in the first eco festival dedicated to children, namely ECO Heroes Festival. The school that handed over the largest amount of waste batteries and accumulators collected in the project, received as a prize a digital photo frame.
The winner was Spectrum School from Bucharest, that handed over more than 22 kg of waste batteries and accumulators.
In total, During The Campaign, Ecotic Collected Through Ecotic BAT 60 kg of Such Waste Batteries.
The event was organized in Youth Park, near the spaceship, that is the symbol of the project. The organizers invited children to a unique journey through space and throughout the trip it was explained the meaning of ecology in a way appropriate to them. There were used interactive games and activities in order to facilitate the children's access to information. Each participant became a small astronaut that had to follow the orders of Captain Raxo and had to contribute to the mission success. Moreover, the success of the mission depended on the knowledge and skills of each participant.
At The End of the Trip, The Children Learn The Most Important Concepts of Ecology and Learn How To Continue to Protect The Planet and STSOources.
The spacecraft placed in the Youth Park is open throughout the summer, and can be accessed free of charge and by appointment.
View this map to reach the spaceship.