Registrations for the Clean Environment Awards Gala contest continue

de | nov. 21, 2016 | News

Now in its eighth edition, the Environmental Awards Galaprintscreen-website Clean is an annual competition of tradition, organized by ECOTIC and dedicated to environmental protection projects and conservation of the planet's resources. Registrations for this year's edition can be made until November 25, 2016.

The competition is open to the following four categories: Companies, Educational Institutions, Public Institutions and NGOs. Organized since 2009, the contest aims to bring to the general public initiatives as diverse as possible of eco-social responsibility in Romania.

The competition is open to projects dedicated to environmental protection, conservation of planetary resources and prevention of their waste, carried out since October 2015. Projects can be completed or ongoing, requiring the presentation of results - final or intermediate.

Registrations end on November 25, 2016. The judging will be done at the beginning of December, and the prizes will be awarded during a festive event, which will take place on December 9, 2016, at the Intercontinental Hotel, Bucharest.

Registrations can also be made directly online, on, in the dedicated section.

Good luck!

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