Romania - Horizon 2020 Conference, an opportunity to present the issues of waste management

de | February. 9, 2016 | News

On February 4, 2016, ECOTIC participated in the round table "Romania from the perspective of the European Commission's package of measures on the Circular Economy”, Which is the fourth edition of the Romania - Horizon 2020 conference, organized by Revista Ecologic.

The conference was an opportunity for dialogue between central authorities and representatives of the waste management industry. From the very beginning of the meeting, both Valentin Negoiță and Dragoș Călugăru exposed the problems we have in fulfilling our national obligations and especially in the field of WEEE, the measures that need to be implemented: mandatory inclusion of WEEE collection in public services within LPA in a real and visible way - including measures in the National Waste Management Plan; combating WEEE leakage in scrap metal streams and strengthening controls at all levels: producers, accountability organizations, operators, local public authorities.

One of the topics discussed at length was related to the current situation of packaging waste management where the authorities and organizations for the transfer of responsibilities had constructive views.

The conclusion of the meeting was that working groups will be set up to debate and put forward substantiated views on improving legislation.

The ECOTIC organization welcomes the initiative of the Ecological Magazine, which brought to the table the Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests, Mrs. Cristiana Pașca-Palmer, Mrs. Secretary of State of MMAP, Corina Lupu, representatives of the Administration of the Environment Fund, vice-president of the Agency National Council for Environmental Protection, the general commissioner of the National Environmental Guard and the representatives of the most important organizations in the field of waste management in Romania, recyclers, sanitation workers, responsibility organizations, employers' and professional organizations.

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