ECOTIC caravan, nominated as Best Project at the LIFE Awards

de | mart. 16, 2018 | ECOTIC Caravan, News

The European Commission, through the Directorate-General for the Environment, has announced the nominations for the “The LIFE Awards” competition, which awards in 2018 the most efficient European projects funded by the LIFE program. The ECOTIC organization was nominated for the "Best of the Best Award", in the Environment and Nature categories, with the ECOTIC Caravan project. The awards ceremony will take place on May 23, 2018, in Brussels.   

ECOTIC Caravan (ECOTIC LIFE + Caravan - LIFE13INF / RO / 000090) is a project implemented by ECOTIC organization and co-financed by The European Commission, by LIFE + program.

The duration of the project was 2 years, it was completed in June 2016.

By implementing this project, ECOTIC aims to help reduce the risk of climate change by raising awareness of the proper handling and treatment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and by promoting 

use of green energy.

Target audience, represented by students in grades 0-VIII from the urban areas, teachers and their parents, as well as by citizens of Romanian cities and municipalities, was informed about the content of electrical waste, how it can be recycled correctly and where WEEE collection points are located.

The main attraction of the project is the Caravan - a mobile exhibition of WEEE in which disassembled equipment is presented (CRT monitor, refrigerator, washing machine, landline, mobile phones, laptop, office computer, toy and iron) displayed in shop windows; their role is to convey the message of the need to recycle WEEE. The Caravan is also energetically supported by solar panels.

With hundreds of schools involved, dozens of local campaigns and seminars dedicated to local authorities, the ECOTIC Caravan continues its journey across the country today, visiting schools and localities, as part of the "Ecoterrien School" and "Recycling Station" campaigns.

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