ECOTIC expands its operations in Iasi through the new ECOTIC MOLDOVA collection center

de | October. 25, 2019 | ECOTIC MOLDOVA, News

The ECOTIC Association opens in Iași a new collection center that aims to inform citizens about the correct collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries and accumulators (DBA) and to provide efficient collection solutions.

Romania, as a member country of the European Union, has the obligation to reach a target of 45% waste collection of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by 2020. In this regard, ECOTIC continues its efforts to raise awareness among the population and On October 25, 2019, it opened the gates of ECOTIC MOLDOVA, a new regional WEEE and DBA collection center.

On Friday, October 25, 2019, the representatives of the Iasi City Hall, the environmental authorities, the County School Inspectorate and some educational units from Iasi, the collection and recycling partners, Salubris and Green WEEE, were invited to the Iasi Municipal Collection Center, and of the local community interested in the possibilities of properly disposing of e-waste and batteries.

ECOTIC MOLDOVA thus comes closer to the citizens of the Moldovan area, providing them and companies with a collection center for the responsible delivery of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), light bulbs and lamps and waste batteries and accumulators (DBA). At the same time, ECOTIC MOLDOVA will organize WEEE and DBA awareness and collection campaigns, thus promoting selective collection among young people and adults alike.

Present at the event Radu Botez, Deputy Mayor, Iasi City Hall said: "The launch of Ecotic Moldova is a new opportunity to emphasize that Iasi City Hall supports and encourages any approach to informing and raising awareness of the importance of the selective collection process, in this case of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and waste portable batteries and accumulators (DBA). Since the launch of the Iași Municipal Collection Center, 3 years ago, your efforts have supported the actions of the Iași local authorities, in order to maintain a cleaner environment, thus aligning us with the most demanding international standards.

We welcome you to Iași and success in achieving your goals! ”

 "With the opening of ECOTIC Moldova we want to offer residents of Iasi and Moldova new opportunities for accurate information and a range of efficient solutions for separate collection of WEEE, including by taking electrical waste from home, and opportunities to get involved in projects environmental protection ", said Valentin Negoita, President of ECOTIC.


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