Find out how to dispose of electrical waste!

de | October. 1, 2020 | News

Bucharest, October 01   ECOTIC launches the unique number 021 9641 addressed to people who want to know how to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) available. The initiative is part of the national awareness campaign regarding the separate collection of WEEE - "Be in your country as well as abroad!", Organized in partnership with Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests.

Waste electrical and electronic equipment is the fastest growing waste stream, it is estimated that worldwide, in 2030 we will get to 74.7 million tons of WEEE generated (equivalent to 7390 Eiffel Towers). According to the 2019 ECOTIC study, a Romanian generates annually 8,3 kg of WEEE of which only 3 kg reach the recycling stream, the rest are thrown away with the garbage, handed over to the scrap metal street collectors or thrown at random in nature.

What are the ways to deliver WEEE?

  • Exchange 1 to 1: when you buy new equipment you can hand over similar old equipment.        
  • At collection points / centers: we find collection points dedicated to electrical waste everywhere, especially in retail stores. The map with ECOTIC collection points is available on
  • Pick up from home: ECOTIC can take over bulky equipment under certain conditions.

Details on or at 021 9641 *.

* number with normal tariff in the Telekom network