Global challenges - local approaches: waste recycling & resource saving

de | June. 5, 2014 | News

At the "Mircea Cancicov" Business and Exhibition Center in Bacau, the conference "Global challenges - local approaches: waste recycling & resource saving" took place on June 04. The event was dedicated to World Environment Day and is part of the event "Make a Progress, Do Circulary Economy!", Inscribed in the calendar of this year's edition of "Green Week", under the auspices of the European Commission. The organizers were the Bacau Business and Exhibition Center and the Bacau Environmental Protection Agency. ECOTIC participated in this event attended by representatives of local environmental authorities, as well as representatives of local companies and public institutions.

The event aimed to preface and raise public awareness about the objectives to be assumed by member countries in the period 2014-2020, including of course environmental targets. The 2014 edition of Green Week proposes the theme of waste recycling and resource saving (Circular Economy).

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