Enter the project in the Awards Gala for a Clean Environment!

de | October. 3, 2024 | Awards Gala, Home, News

Today, October 3, the XNUMXth edition of the competition is launched Gala Awards for a Clean Environment. The organizer, ECOTIC, in partnership with Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, ENCOURAGES local public authorities, companies, educational institutions and NGOs, to sign up projects with positive impact on the environment, conservation of natural resources, prevention of waste and more.

What types of projects can be entered?

In those 15 editions of the contest, were registered over 780 projects which had as themes: information and eco-education of children, but also of the general public, as well as resource conservation, reduction of food waste, separate collection of waste, energy efficiency, greening and afforestation actions, circular economy projects. The thematic diversity and typology of the entered projects are encouraged by the organizers, as well as their positive impact on the environment and the resource economy.

Who and where can sign up?

Registration is done online, on the platform www.premiilepentrummediucurat.ro, until November 26, again categories are:


Projects carried out by any type of entity: company, public institution, town hall, NGO, except for educational institutions that have a special dedicated category.

  • SPECIAL AWARD dedicated to JOURNALISTS - 1 winner

Involvement of the general public is also welcome in this edition by NOMINALIZATION of projects through the dedicated form on www.premiilepentrummediucurat.ro.

After the nomination, the organizers will contact those who implement the projects in order to register them.

The judging and awarding of prizes will take place in December 2024.

The 16th edition Clean Environment Awards Gala is supported by:

Ministry of the Environment, Waters and Forests Embassy of Sustainability in Romania, CERC, Info Cons, Union of Professional Journalists from Romania, APDETIC, ECSR.ro, Radio Romania Cultural, RFI Romania, EventsMax and Hotnews.