Mobile exhibition of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the courtyard of high schools in Buzau

de | May 15, 2019 | News

GreenWEEE Company, ECOTIC Association and Association General a Engineers from Romania I bring to Buzau ECOTIC caravan, a mobile exhibition of WEEE, within the event "Green Week of Europe" held between 14-16 May 2019.

Mobile Caravan of WEEE presents in an interactive way 10 disassembled equipment: CRT monitor, refrigerator, washing machine, landline, mobile phones, laptop, desktop computer, toy and iron.

In April 2019, the European Commission published a set of reports on the state of implementation of environmental protection legislation in Europe: Assessing the implementation of environmental policies. EU2019 Green Week assesses the findings of this analysis and how the European Union is ensuring that citizens' voices on environmental protection are heard. Thus, various programs with an impact on the environment and society are organized throughout Europe, from mid-April to early June.

Located in the courtyard of the "Spiru Haret" National Pedagogical College, of the "Mihai Eminescu" National College and the "Dimitrie Filipescu" Technological High School, the ECOTIC Caravan has the role of emphasizing the importance of recycling electrical equipment, the message being conveyed to students, teachers and parents, citizens of Buzau.

The Caravan program includes a series of workshops related to environmental protection, WEEE collection and thematic workshops where students will learn about recycling through games. The caravan will be available only for school visits, being expected over 360 young people / day.  

On 3 LCD monitors inside the caravan runs an animation meant to provide essential information about electronics recycling. Also, the caravan is energetically supported by solar panels.

"Environmental protection is a concern of the whole society, but we believe that young people play an active role in this regard, and the opportunity to see how old waste is disassembled in a controlled environment is another reason to arouse their interest in how in which it manages these devices when it breaks down. By participating in this action, I can inspire others to take an attitude regarding the collection and recycling of WEEE ", Marius Costache, General Manager of GreenWEEE.

„The ECOTIC caravan, a means of information dedicated mainly to young people, continues its journey started in 2014 through the educational institutions in Romania, bringing to their attention the importance of collecting and recycling WEEE. We hope that the information that the young people from Buzau will obtain during the visits in the Caravan will stimulate them to collect separately and to promote the collection and recycling among the community ", Valentin Negoiță, President of ECOTIC.

“Waste electronic and electrical equipment must be properly managed as it can cause major health and environmental problems due to its hazardous substance content. The second aspect is related to the small amount per capita that is collected in our country, compared to the European average. It is necessary for this practical way of education to be perpetuated starting from school. AGIR must stimulate engineering creation in this sensitive area of ​​economic life as well ", Vasile Anton Moraru, President of AGIR Buzău.

This action aims to change the attitude of the population regarding the conservation, protection and improvement of the quality of the environment, the protection of human health and the prudent and rational use of natural resources, in particular by handing WEEE to authorized entities for proper recycling.

About GreenWEEE: GreenWEEE International has been a market leader in the treatment and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Romania for 10 years. The company is part of the integrated recycling park Green Group si operates in two factories recycling in Romania (in Buzău and Campia Turzii), having a capacity total treatment of 100 tonnes / year, with a number of fish 400 of employees and turnover in 2018 of over EUR 20 million. GreenWEEE recycles all categories of waste mentioned in the legislation, used batteries and accumulators, cables and components in the automotive industry. Find out more

About ECOTIC: ECOTIC is the first organization of producers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in Romania, founded in 2006, which provides free containers for the separate collection of waste small electronic equipment and batteries, as well as the collection free of charge of bulky equipment at the company's headquarters or at home. For more details send an e-mail to

About AGIR: The General Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR) was founded in Iasi, in 1918, the year of the Great Union, with the aim of "organizing and increasing the knowledge and work power of engineers (...), to bring the greatest benefit to the work of restoring the country (...), solidarity and support of their professional interests". In 1990, the General Association of Romanian Engineers reappeared on the stage of Romanian civil society, the legal successor of the engineering organizations that had operated in Romania until that date.

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