ECOTIC: over 200 tonnes of managed waste

de | May 20, 2021 | Articles, News

ECOTIC managed on behalf of the affiliated manufacturers, in those 15 years of activityover 200 tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The trend of volumes collected annually has been upward over time. We started in 2006 with a few hundred kg collected, and in 2020 we recorded a record of 32 753 tons of WEEE collected.

This is how ECOTIC succeeded every year meet the targets of affiliated producers. The progress is due to the evolution of the market in terms of technological innovation and thus the launch of new electrical and electronic equipment, the development of collection infrastructure and takeover services and awareness campaigns. At the same time, the degree of development in this field that Romania registers is not at the level of fulfilling the target imposed this year, of 65% of the average of the equipment put on the market in the last three years (increase from 45%). The 65% target had not been reached in previous years by EU member states.

ECOTIC will continue to make every effort to collect increasing amounts of WEEE each year to meet the targets of affiliated producers and contribute to the progress of the circular economy in our country.