The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests launched in public debate, on May 30, 2022, the PNRR Guidelines on component C3 - Waste Management. This program is intended to accelerate the expansion and modernization of waste management systems in Romania.
The financial support that Romania will receive through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) will be accessible, for investments, by ATUs, inter-community development associations (ADIs), but also other associations of ATUs .
Just over 1,2 billion euros for investments in waste management.
In order for Romania to know a real development in the field of waste management, the Romanian Government has requested 1,2 billion euros from the European Commission, which can be used in the implementation of the following activities:
I1. Development, modernization and completion of integrated municipal waste management systems at county level or at city / commune level
I2. Development of infrastructure for the management of manure and other compostable agricultural waste
I3. Development of institutional capacities for public monitoring and control for waste management and pollution prevention
Taking into account these 3 measures, once implemented, we can appreciate that Romania will be able to reduce by about 75% the waste that ends up in landfills, from the total waste generated, by 2025.
The Romanian authorities set an ambitious goal following the implementation of this program, namely that only 10% of household waste will reach the landfill by 2030. This target can be achieved only by developing the proposed solutions:
- Creation of intelligent collection systems and establishment of voluntary collection centers where it will be possible to bring waste including electrical equipment
- Construction of digitized ecological islands
As for voluntary collection centers (CAVs), they will ensure the separate collection of household waste that cannot be collected directly from the citizen. Namely, recyclable waste and bio-waste that cannot be collected in individual bins, as well as special waste streams - bulky waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment, used batteries, hazardous waste, construction and demolition waste.
The second sub-investment involves the construction of digitized ecological islands. The eco-island consists of a set of underground or above-ground containers, digitized for card access for rounded individuals, GSM mode for data transmission, database on service recipients and billing interface for all beneficiary ATUs. Each ecological island will serve an average of 200 inhabitants.
The two guides will be out of public debate at the end of June. These can be found here.