Recycling station - impressive results in the first stage

de | July. 18, 2016 | News

Campania "Recycling Station" starts right, the results are impressive: 5000 visitors, 370 vouchers, 2 tons of WEEE collected.


In this first stage the Caravan parked in the following localities as follows:

1. Ciurea commune - 14 - 16.06.2016

2. Miroslava Commune - 17 - 19.06.2016

3. Scanteia commune - 20 - 22.06.2016

4. Mogosesti commune - 23 - 25.06.2016

5. Voinesti commune - 26 -28.06.2016

The prizes for each of the localities were offered the following prizes:

1 x I - Grunman CO520B brushcutter - 479,93 lei + VAT; 

2 x II - Cleo 5 × 2 T electric incubator - 183,6 lei + VAT; 

3 x III - Tool kit - 157,97 lei + VAT).