The ECOTIC campaign "Recycling Station" starts in 2019 in Timiș County

de | July. 1, 2019 | News

Recycling Station, the itinerant ECOTIC campaign, dedicated to the collection of used electrical and electronic equipment from rural and small urban areas, continues its route in 2019. After crossing 2017 counties in 2018 and 12, informing approximately 400.000 people, starting with July 1, 2019, the campaign “Recycling Station" starts in Timiș County.  

„Recycling Station" is the ECOTIC campaign that pursues this objective mainly in rural and small urban areas. Together with local public and environmental authorities, ECOTIC informs the inhabitants of the localities in each county visited about the need to collect WEEE and provides a mobile collection point - Caravan ECOTIC - where this waste can be brought and handed over for recycling.

Between July 1-15, 2019, ECOTIC, with the support of the Timiș Environmental Protection Agency and the Timiș Waste Intercommunity Development Association, carries out the first stage of the campaign, visiting five localities, according to the following program:

  • JIMBOLIA, 1-3 JULY 2019 (in front of the House of Culture)
  • LENAUHEIM, JULY 4-6, 2019 (in the courtyard of the Lenauheim Gymnasium School)
  • LOVRIN, 7-9 JULY 2019 (in the yard of the Agri-Food Market)
  • brushing, JULY 10-12, 2019 (in front of the Periam Gym)
  • GREAT SANNICOLAU, 13-15 JULY 2019 (in the parking lot of the House of Culture)

To encourage the correct delivery for recycling of used electricity and electronics, each resident who will bring to the Caravan ECOTIC 20kg accumulated WEEE will receive a gift voucher of 10 lei, for 40 kg accumulated will receive a ticket of 20 lei and for 60 kg accumulated a ticket of 30 lei. People who will bring between 5 and 19 KG of accumulated WEEE will be automatically entered in the raffle, being able to win 5 prizes of 100 lei Dedeman card.

"Such a campaign has a very important role, especially in rural areas, as these areas often lack information on separate collection, and thus collection points. Basically, the Recycling Station campaign brings information and collection points to people's doors ”says Marius Ungurean, western regional coordinator of the ECOTIC Association.

Taking home bulky equipment (TV, refrigerators, washing machines) is free based on telephone appointment at the phone number 0732.148.550 between 10:00 and 17:00 or directly at the Caravan. The appointment will be made on the first day of the campaign in each locality.

Romania, as an EU member state, has the obligation to reach a target of 45% collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by 2020. In this regard, ECOTIC continues its efforts to raise awareness among the population.

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