Ateliere Fara Frontiere recently completed five years of activity of the insertion workshop. The results of this period show that 6.000 complete computers were donated which helped to set up over 1.000 IT laboratories. Within them, 140.000 beneficiaries participate in educational projects, training or social reintegration through computer tools. These were achieved through the Assoclic donation program, but also through other donation programs. ECOTIC supports and is actively involved in these activities.
"Preparing for reuse" ranks 2nd in the waste hierarchy, after "prevention" and before "recycling". ECOTIC is an organization that acts in waste management, especially WEEE, and we encourage this practice.
The insertion workshop and the donations of IT equipment donations to disadvantaged communities - Assoclic - represent tools to combat social discrepancies and increase the skills of many people in difficulty. We are proud that, through the partnership with AFF, we have also contributed through these elements to a sustainable development.
ECOTIC congratulates for all the activity carried out by Ateliere senza Frontiere so far and wishes many years and many results FOR A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT!