Today, 27 November 2020, Rural Community Development Association together with partners Greenpoints Management SA, Alucro Association, Ecotic Association and EcoticBAT SRL, with the support Ministry of Environment and in collaboration with Otopeni City Hall, the InfoDeşeuri application was launched for the national premiere.
„InfoDeșeuri appeared in response to the current need of the public to have permanent, handy and free access to all the information necessary for the efficient and ecological management of waste generated at home or at work. To date, information on how to manage waste has been disseminated sporadically, using alternative methods. (flyers, posters, radio or video spots, social media, conferences, etc.), in different time periods and areas. " said Dan Ceausescu, President of the Association for Rural Community Development.
By installing and using the InfoWaste mobile application, your advantages are the following:
✔ you will never forget when you have to hand over the waste, the notification system will promptly inform you every time a collection is to take place in your area;
✔ you no longer have any doubts about the days of the week when the collections are made, you have the calendar of all the collections scheduled for your location;
✔ you will not miss any collection campaign organized in your area, the application will promptly notify you and give you all the necessary details;
✔ you will never have any more questions about where and how a certain type of packaging or waste is collected or handed over. You have all the information on how to separate the waste into fractions, what each fraction contains and how to prepare the waste for collection;
✔ you will not waste time looking for centers or collection / collection points for various types of waste. You have an interactive map with all the waste collection points, various fractions, in the area where you are, with information about the schedule and operation, with gps navigation and telephone calling function directly from the application;
✔ you will not miss any greening campaign that takes place in your area and in which you want to participate;
✔ you will not waste time when you want to notify the relevant authorities about a problem regarding waste management. In the application you have at your disposal a simple and convenient tool for reporting a problem;
✔ you are fully aware of the legislation in the field, with the rights and obligations that you and all actors in the industry have, with the form and level of sanctions provided by law for non-compliance with legal norms in the field;
✔ you are rewarded for your contribution to updating the information presented in the application and for contributing to maintaining a cleaner environment by properly managing the waste you generate and for distributing the application in your circle of knowledge;
✔ you are informed about the results of your community in achieving your targets for recycling and recovery of waste.
Silviu Constantin Gheorghe, mayor of Otopeni said: “Starting today, all the citizens of Otopeni have at hand the tool that offers them all the information necessary for waste management, updated in real time. Otopeni is the first locality in Romania where the inhabitants have such an application at hand. This comes to complete our information and communication campaign on waste management (Guide for waste management distributed to every home in Otopeni, website www.OtopeniRecicleza.ro and the Otopeni Recycle Facebook page). I am convinced that we will be able to increase the quantities of recyclable waste collected separately, we will collect and treat separately bulky waste, construction waste, vegetable waste, electrical and electronic waste and other types of waste for which there are recycling / recovery solutions. so we will significantly reduce waste sent to landfills. We are committed that we, Otopeni, meet our targets on waste management assumed by Romania and be a good example for many other communities. "
Any locality that expresses its interest in offering its inhabitants this modern means of information can benefit from all the advantages it offers. Once the coordinates of the local waste management system have been entered, the application provides users with all the information they need.
The Infodes application is available for both Android and iOS mobile devices. More details can be found on the site www.infodeseuri.ro