WEEELABEX organization was established in April 2013 by 26 collective producer organizations for the management of WEEE responsibilities.
The purpose of this organization is to promote the implementation of WEEELABEX standards on WEEE treatment in Europe, designed to reduce pollution from WEEE treatment actions and to increase the degree of recovery. This will be done by complying with the operators that treat WEEE, an aspect that requires the support of producer organizations.
On January 21.01.2013, XNUMX, the first General Assembly of members took place WEEELABEX organization, an event held in Salzburg.
The General Manager - Mario Voros - presented the evolution of the organization in the first months of operation, an important aspect being that the verification audits were started at the WEEE operators in Spain. By the end of the year, audits are planned for 175 flows from 94 operators in Europe. The General Assembly voted the actions and the budget proposed by the General Director for 2014.
ECOTIC has within the WEEELABEX team of auditors, an expert - Valentin Tofana - who is also a member of the expert group of the WEEELABEX Organization.
ECOTIC has started the implementation of the standards within the treatment operators and until the end of the year audits will be performed at the Greenweee International partner, on 4 treatment flows.