Contribute to a clean sector!

de | April. 13, 2021 | News

Electric waste collection campaign in Bucharest, sector 6

Between April 12 and 23, residents of Sector 6 of Bucharest are encouraged to be actively involved in environmental protection by collecting separately electrical and electronic waste (including light bulbs and neon) and waste batteries and accumulators.

ECOTIC with his partners City Hall of Sector 6 and URBAN SA organizes a campaign to collect waste electrical and electronic equipment and used batteries / accumulators sector 6 of the Capital.

Residents of Sector 6 have at their disposal during the campaign:

  1. FREE collection of bulky waste from home (eg washing machine, refrigerator, etc.). The takeover order will be made by phone at the number 0757 024 222
  2.  Delivery to permanent collection points
  3. Ialomița Valley x Kissing Gate
  4. The bird in Vâzduh x Pupăza cu Moț
  5. May 1 no. 57-59 (Auchan side parking)
  6. Giulești vis-a-vis the Pasteur Institute
  7. Factories x Aqueduct
  8. Valea Argeșului - end of the trolley
  9. Timisoara no. 27 A (in front of OTP Bank)
  10. Crângași Square in the back at TIP TOP
  11. Line x Helmsman
  12. Performance 45
  13. Camp Road x Neamț Fair
  14. Apusului no. 11

"Keeping the environment clean is one of our priorities, therefore, in this campaign, together with our partners, we inform citizens about the correct way to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment, light bulbs and neons and used batteries and accumulators, providing them with dedicated collection points. " declares… ..

Every person who teaches electrical waste over 5kg or 15 pcs. waste batteries / accumulators or over 5 pcs. light bulbs / neons can register to an AWARDS raffle, refrigerator, microwave or bread machine.