- November 25 - 30, 2019
Target audience:
- the inhabitants of Giurgiu
Who is handing over waste between 20kg and 40kg cumulated, to receive a voucher worth 10 lei, and for waste over 40 kg cumulated, a voucher worth 20 lei. People who will hand over waste of more than 5kg accumulated will be automatically entered in the raffle, and can win attractive prizes: Tefal bread machine, Gorenje goffre machine or kettle.
Collection point:
- Ghizdarului, no. 134 - schedule from Monday to Friday between 08: 00-16: 00 and Saturday between 08: 00-14: 00
For the collection of bulky equipment from home, citizens are asked to call the phone number: 0786 398 516
Campaign rules are available here.