ECOTIC CARAVAN and projects for students and teachers across the country

de | septum. 16, 2015 | campaign, ECOTIC Caravan

The "ECO DAYS IN YOUR SCHOOL!" Campaign is an awareness campaign that involves the participation of schools and communities of which they are part, through teachers, students and their families, in ecological activities carried out by the educational institution registered in this eco-educational approach. The element of maximum interest is the visit of the ECOTIC Caravan to the school participating in the project.

This campaign has very clear and easy to monitor objectives: reaching as many schools as possible, and therefore a public sensitive to educational actions (students), organizing eco-education and awareness actions and finalizing them with concrete actions of collection of electrical and electronic waste and used batteries and accumulators.

In order for everything to be as fun and interactive as possible, the schools are entered in a contest, both in the first edition and in the second; depending on the level of mobilization and the results obtained, the most eco-diligent schools are awarded in each of the two editions.

The start of the second edition was given on September 01, 2015. Until October 20, 2015, educational institutions that have classes between class 0 and class VIII are invited to sign up for the "ECO Days in Your School" campaign !".

The cities targeted in this edition are the following:

  1. Bucharest - between 16, 21 - 25 and 28 - 30 September, 02 October, as well as between 02 - 04, 07 - 10 and 15 - 18 December 2015 - 21 schoolseco days ribbon
  2. Targoviste - October 5 - 8 - 4 schools
  3. Sibiu - October 13 - 16 - 4 schools
  4. Sighisoara - October 19 - 20 - 2 schools
  5. Targu Mures - November 21 - 30 - 6 schools
  6. Cluj Napoca - November 02 - 17 - 7 schools
  7. Turda - November 18 - 20 - 3 schools
  8. Alba Iulia - November 23 - 27 - 5 schools
  9. Craiova - 04 - 12 June 2016 - 7 schools
  10. Drobeta Turnu Severin - January 13, 14, 19, 20, 2016 - 4 schools
  11. Resita - January 21, 22, 25, 2016 - 3 schools
  12. Timisoara - January 26, 27, 28, 2016 and February 8, 9, 2016 - 5 schools
  13. Arad - 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19 February 2016 - 6 schools
  14. Oradea - 22, 23, 24, 25 February 2016 and 01, 02 March 2016 - 6 schools
  15. Deva - 03, 04, 07 March 2016 - 3 schools
  16. Hunedoara - 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 March 2016 - 7 schools
  17. Targu Jiu - March 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 2016 - 5 schools

The rules of this edition are available here. 

The annexes to this Regulation are available here. 

The first edition of the campaign "ECO Days in your School!" was started in November 2014, ending with the school year, in June 2015. The message regarding the need for the correct collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) reached 104 schools in 23 cities across the country, being involved over 50.000 students. All schools were entered in a fun and useful competition, and the jury selected the winners. 20,1 tons of WEEE and 2.25 tons of waste batteries and portable accumulators were collected.

In the first edition of the "ECO Days in your school!" campaign:

  • The first place and an eco camp for 20 students was awarded to the "Carmen Sylva" Gymnasium School from Iasi, coordinating teacher Mariana Dinter;
  • Second place and a smart board was awarded to the High School with sports program in Botosani, coordinating teacher Anca Toma;
  • The third place and a video projector + home cinema system was awarded to the “Vasile Alecsandri” High School from Roman, coordinating teacher Poenaru Alexandra Georgiana.

The grand prize, the “Mountain Mountain” eco-mountain camp, took place between June 30 and July 5, 2015, in Gura Raului (Marginimea Sibiului), Sibiu County. The activities proposed by the organizers were diverse, with great interest for high school students thus rewarded for their efforts FOR A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT! Hiking, tourist orientation, setting up a tent camp, thematic seminars (tourist markings, protected plants from the Cindrel Mountains, Water - source of life, first aid, mountain rules), ECO workshops, creative workshops and campfire were included in the activities to this camp.

The ECOTIC caravan is a project co-financed by the LIFE instrument of the European Union.

Other articles related to this campaign are available here.

An article about the winners of the first edition is available here.  

Announcing the end of the first edition of the campaign

The official start of the Caravan, given on November 12, 2014

In the first edition, the schools visited were the following:

In Buzau – Secondary Schools no. 11, "Ion Creanga", no. 1 Captain Aviator Mircea T. Badulescu, "George Emil Palade", Saint Apostle Andrei and "Episcop Dionisie Romano"

In Galati - Gymnasium Schools no. 2, 11, 22, 33

In Braila – "Mihu Dragomir", "Fanus Neagu", "Aurel Vlaicu" High Schools, High School with sports program, as well as Ana Aslan College

In Focsani – High Schools No. 3, "Stefan cel Mare" and "Nicolae Iorga", Pedagogical High School "Spiru Haret"

In barlad – "George Tutoveanu" High School and "Gheorghe Rosca Codreanu" College

In Vaslui – "Mihail Sadoveanu" Secondary School

In Iasi: Secondary Schools "Alexandru cel Bun", "BP Hasdeu", "George Calinescu", "Carmen Sylva", "Gh. I. Bratianu", "Vasile Alecsandri" Theoretical High School, "Mihai Eminescu" National College and "Vasile Lupu" Pedagogical High School

In Botosani: Secondary Schools no. 1, no. 2, no. 10, no. 8 "Elena Rares", no. 12, no. 13, no. 6 "Grigore Antipa", High School with sports program and "Stefan Luchian" Art High School

In dorohoi: Secondary Schools no. 5 "Spiru Haret" and "Mihail Kogalniceanu"

In have fun: Secondary Schools no. 2, no. 5 "Bogdan Voda" and "Mihai Eminescu"

In Suceava: Secondary School "Miron Costin" and Secondary School no. 4

In falticeni: School "Al. I. Cuza" and "Ion Irimescu" High School

In Targu Neamt: "Stefan cel Mare" National College and "Vasile Conta" Economic High School

In RomanGymnasium Schools "Calistrat Hogas" and "Vasile Alecsandri"

In Piatra Neamt: Secondary Schools no. 2, no. 3, no. 5, "Elena Cuza" and "Petru Rares" National College

In Bacau: High Schools "Constantin Platon", "Alecu Russo", "Al. I. Cuza", "Spiru Haret" and "Ferdinand I" College

In Adjudicated: "Emil Botta" College

In Brasov: Secondary schools no. 12, no. 2 "Deacon Coresi", no. 9, no. 19, no. 25, "Grigore Antipa" College of Science and "Andrei Barseanu" National Economic College

In It rains: "Andrei Muresanu", "IA Basarabescu", "Toma Caragiu", "Nichita Stanescu", "George Cosbuc", "Anton Pann" and "Mihai Eminescu" High Schools

In Bargainers: Secondary School "Matei Basarab" and Secondary School "Prof. Paul Banica"

In George: Gymnasium Schools no. 5 "Emil Gulian", "Academician Marin Voiculescu" and the National College "Ion Maiorescu"

In Bucharest: Secondary schools no. 62, 67, 78, 169, 279, "Avram Iancu", "St. Constantin and Elena", "Luceafarul", "Pia Bratianu", "Titu Maiorescu", "Princess Margareta", "Liviu Rebreanu", as well as the National College "IL Caragiale"

In AlexandriaGymnasium Schools no. 5 and 7, "Stefan cel Mare" and "Mihai Viteazul"

In Slatina: Gymnasium Schools no. 1 and 3, "Nicolae Iorga", "Eugen Ionescu" and "Constantin Brancoveanu"

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