Recycle, ECOTIC and Recolamp reward you!

de | nov. 28, 2014 | campaign

In perioada 02-12 decembrie 2014, ECOTIC si ECOTIC BAT, in parteneriat cu RECOLAMP si Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti deruleaza un proiect de colectare si constientizare dedicat celor aproximativ 15.000 studenti din cadrul Universitatii Politehnica Bucuresti. Prin proiectul denumit “Recicleaza, ECOTIC si Recolamp te premiaza!” studentilor din toate facultatile si caminele Universitatii Politehnice Bucuresti li se ofera posibilitatea de a se debarasa corect si usor de echipamentele electrice vechi si stricate (DEEE), de bateriile portabile uzate si acumulatorii consumati (BDA) precum si de sursele de iluminat arse (in aceasta categorie nu se incadreaza becurile cu incandescenta). Premiile acestui proiect constau in 3 tablete Samsung (cate o tableta pentru fiecare dintre cele 3 categorii de deseuri colectate: DEEE, DBA si deseuri de surse de iluminat).

By separate collection, responsible delivery and proper recycling of this waste are recovered secondary raw materials that we will find in new products, which involves reducing the consumption of raw materials and, therefore, the protection of natural resources. Also, toxic substances, such as mercury and other heavy metals or various bromides, will no longer pollute the soil, water and air, the environment being once again protected by a simple gesture, that of selective collection.

Only together can we offer ourselves and future generations a CLEAN ENVIRONMENT!

The rules of this project are available here.