Between May 21 and June 8, ECOTIC in partnership with the Maramures Environmental Protection Agency, respectively the Bistrita Nasaud Environmental Protection Agency, resumed the awareness project in schools entitled "Selective and eco-aesthetic collection of WEEE". This year the project is taking place in Maramures and Bistrita Nasaud counties.
The students of the schools included in this project have the possibility to bring to the school WEEE that they own in the households, from where they are collected by ECOTIC through specialized collectors.
Along with the collection section, one of the objectives of this project is to stimulate students' creativity, they can opt for the creation of artistic objects from the WEEE components.
At the end of the projects, a number of 3 prizes and 7 mentions are awarded for each county. The prizes will be awarded as follows:
- WEEE awareness / collection section: 7st place-CD player, XNUMXnd place- camera, XNUMXrd place -flipchart, along with XNUMX mentions;
- Artistic section: 7st place- camera, XNUMXnd place- scanner, XNUMXrd place- flipchart, along with XNUMX mentions.
The exhibitions of artistic objects made by students and their awarding will take place in Maramures County: APM MM headquarters, June 14, 2012, at 10:00, and in Cluj County, at APM BN headquarters.