The second edition of the project Selective and eco-aesthetic collection of WEEE, organized between 19.11 - 07.12.2012 by ECOTIC and the Bihor Environmental Protection Agency with the support of the Bihor School Inspectorate took place in 22 educational units in the county.
The campaign, in the form of a competition, involved two types of activities carried out by students in grades I-VIII from the participating schools: the collection of WEEE and the creation of artistic objects from this waste.
The leading schools in WEEE collection were:
1st place: Orthodox High School "Episcop Roman Ciorogariu" from Oradea
2nd place: N. Balcescu School Oradea
3rd place: Gymnasium School no. 1, Derna
A total of 3.334 kg of WEEE were collected.
Each school also made an artistic object using waste electrical, electronic and household appliances. The artistic objects were sent to the headquarters of the Bihor Environmental Protection Agency in order to be judged and exhibited at the Coltul Verde exhibition. The jury was composed of representatives of APM Bihor and ECOTIC.
The podium, on this section, was occupied by:
Orthodox Theological High School Ep R Ciorogariu, Oradea - which won the First Prize;
Ady Endre High School, Oradea - which won the Second Prize;
School no. 8, A Iancu, Oradea - abstaining from the XNUMXrd Prize.
The awards were given during an awards ceremony organized at the headquarters of the Bihor Environmental Protection Agency, on December 17, 2012.
We thank those involved in the development of this project.
We congratulate the winners of this edition of the project and we wish a lot of success in the future, to all the participating schools.