YOU RECYCLE, WE AWARD YOU - ecological education campaign

de | January. 28, 2014 | campaign

Alucro and ECOTIC BAT carried out the ecological education campaign "You recycle, we reward you" in 89 educational institutions in Romania, being collected over 6 tons of aluminum cans and over 2 tons of waste portable batteries and accumulators. 

This campaign took place under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and the related County School Inspectorates, between February 03 and May 30, 2014. The objective of this campaign was to raise awareness by the young generation of the importance of proper waste recycling, especially aluminum and used portable batteries, as well as involvement in their effective collection. 

The campaign "You recycle, we reward you" takes place in all schools that wanted to enroll in this endeavor, from the cities of Bucharest, Ploiesti, Buzau, Focsani, Bacau, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi, Hunedoara, Brasov, Piatra Neamt and Alba Iulia.

The campaign included eco-education classes held at the level of educational institutions by registered teachers, based on materials provided as support by the organizers, as well as a competition for the selective collection of aluminum cans and portable batteries and accumulators. The competition took place both at the level of enrolled coordinating teachers, students from participating educational institutions, but also at the level of schools in participating cities. 

The top of the three most diligent educational institutions that have collected the most quantities of portable batteries used is the following:

  • The first place is occupied by the Ion Creanga Gymnasium School from Cluj-Napoca, which collected 274 kg of used portable batteries;
  • The second place is occupied by the Theoretical High School W. Shakespeare from Timisoara which collected 270,6 kg of used portable batteries;
  • The third place is occupied by the AICuza Gymnasium School from Bacau, with 168 kg of collected batteries. 

The schools designated winners in this category will receive various electronic equipment from ECOTIC BAT.

The top three most diligent schools in collecting aluminum cans are the following:

  • The first place is occupied by School no. 2 Deacon Coresi, Brasov - 606,8 kg
  • High School II is occupied by W. Shakespeare Theoretical High School, Timisoara - 441 kg
  • The third place is occupied by the Secuieni School, Bacau - 436,5 kg.

The winning schools mentioned in this category will receive from Alucro a printer as well as a collage of photos from the campaign.

The most diligent three students who collected the most portable batteries waste are Harnut David, student of the W. Shakespeare Theoretical High School from Timisoara, Popa Catalina, student of the Ion Creanga Gymnasium School from Cluj-Napoca and Cune Yanis, student of the Petre Ghelmez Gymnasium School from Bucharest. These students collected a total of almost 300 kg of such waste. Each student will receive an electronic tablet from ECOTIC BAT.

In the category of aluminum cans collected, the three most diligent students are the following: Andronescu Alexandru, student of the Patarlagele School from Buzau, with 15.836 doses collected, Radu Raul, student of the School no. 2 Deacon Coresi from Brasov, with 13.608 doses collected and Hurmuz Catalin, student of Gh. I. Bratianu School from Iasi, with 8.610 doses collected. The winning students in this category will receive a video camera from Alucro.

The teachers designated winners in the campaign "You recycle, we reward you" in the section of collected batteries and accumulators are: Ioia Manuela Maria from Ion Creanga High School in Cluj-Napoca, Bota Diana from W. Shakespeare Theoretical High School in TimiSoara, Manea Elena from AICuza High School in Bacau, Tanasescu Elena from Petre Ghelmez High School in Bucharest, Daniela Murgescu from at Gh. I Gymnasium School. Bratianu from Iasi, Elena Talpau from the Gymnasium School no. 2 Deacon Coresi from Brasov, Buzau Dorina from Gadinti School from Neamt, Monica Stoica from Andrei Muresanu High School from Ploiesti, Dinu Camelia from Al. Marghiloman from Buzau, Dumitru Gabriela from Nicolae Iorga Secondary School from Focsani, Dinca Florin Cristian from Dionisie Pop Martian Economic College from Alba Iulia and Marilena Ana Draia from Ovidiu Densusianu Technological High School from Hunedoara. The efforts made by the most conscientious teachers in each county will be rewarded by ECOTIC BAT with a smartphone.

Teachers designated winners in the category related to aluminum cans in the ecological education campaign carried out by Alucro and ECOTIC BAT are the following: Turcu Iuliana, Vasile Goldis School from Alba Iulia, Gavrila Corina, Secuieni School from Bacau, Grozavu Monica, Avram Iancu School from Bucharest, Andronescu Miruna, Patarlagele School from Buzau, Talpau Elena, Sc. Nr. 2 Deacon Coresi from Brasov, Puscas Luminita, CRDEII School from Cluj - Napoca, Daniela Murgescu, Gh. I. Bratianu School from Iasi, Buzau Dorina, Ghe. Cartianu College from Neamt, Stoica Monica, Andrei MureSanu School from Ploiesti, Diana Bota, W. Shakespeare Theoretical High School from Timisoara, Dumitru Gabriela, Nicolae Iorga School from Focsani. The winners of this section are awarded by Alucro with an electronic tablet. 

The final press release of the campaign is available here. 

The awards and the award mechanism for each type of waste are presented in sections 6.A. and 6.B. contained in the Regulation. 

Participation in this Campaign involved the full, express and unequivocal knowledge and acceptance by the participants of the Campaign Regulations. The rules of this campaign are available here.

The press release given at the start of this Campaign is available here.

Information about Alucro is available by accessing: and

The organizers are convinced that by carrying out this educational program they will contribute to the diversification of the educational process in schools and to the acquisition by students of knowledge in the field of environmental protection and revaluation of material resources.


Testimonials collected in this project:

"I started when I received the informative materials from you to announce the students about the" You recycle, we reward you! "Campaign. in which I enrolled the school. They were all very receptive and we started collecting both cans and used batteries, having experience from last year. I have already held ecology classes, I as coordinator for each class enrolled in the program, but my colleagues and teachers will also carry out ecological activities. Thank you for your collaboration and for your initiatives to involve schools in such programs. I can confirm that students are more responsible and better informed than their parents in terms of environmental protection, implicitly selective collection. "
Teacher Mirela Vaduva, Cezar Bolliac Secondary School, Sector 3, Bucharest

"The activity had an impact on students both in terms of improving knowledge regarding the recycling of aluminum cans, used portable batteries and accumulators and in terms of responsible behavior (increased significantly the number of doses and batteries collected in the days immediately following activity). "
Coord. Prof. Luminita Irina Puscas, Sc. Gimnaziala Speciala-CRDEII, Cluj-Napoca





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