"School of Ecoterrians" - results at the end of a new ECOTIC campaign

de | July. 6, 2017 | News

ECOTIC and ECOTIC BAT launched in October 2016 the enrollments in a new awareness and collection campaign for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries and accumulators (DBA), dedicated to schools in Romania. "Ecoterreni School”Conveyed the message of the need to protect the environment, by actively participating in waste collection, in 200 schools, contributing to the collection of 2,5 tons of used batteries and 62 tons of used electrical equipment.

The legend of the Ecoterrians is telling that they are spirits of nature and every time an earthling does a good deed, a new Ecoterrian is born and the planet becomes greener and more alive.

From the story of the Ecoterrian came the idea of ​​a campaign to encourage children (and not only) to do good deeds, caring for nature and helping to reduce waste of resources.

The "School of Ecoterrians" campaign had several stages and various types of activities involved. Between October and November 2016, schools in Romania were invited to register for the campaign, then received a set of eco-information and education materials (posters, materials dedicated to students, collection containers). With their help, schools were able to carry out WEEE and DBA collection activities, as well as eco-education activities and environmental care initiatives, such as: greening, planting, eco-creation (essays, collages, photo-video).

The activities took place from the moment of receiving the materials, until April 2017, and the results and reports were sent until May 2017. Following the judging, the schools that accumulated the highest score in terms of conducting eco-themed activities are:

  • Centrul Scolar de Educatie Incuziva “AURORA”, Resita
  • "MIHAI PEIA" Gymnasium School, Resita
  • Scoala Gimnaziala “David Prodan”, Salistea