What are you doing with your broken equipment?

de | nov. 16, 2020 | News

Residents of Cluj and Alba Iulia have at their disposal FREE collection of electrical equipment waste from home

Ecollect (www.roecollect.ro) together with ECOTIC (www.ecotic.ro ), together with its partners, Alba Iulia City Hall and Alba Environmental Guard,  provides residents of Alba and Cluj counties FREE download from the company's headquarters or from home of waste electrical and electronic equipment, such as IT equipment, appliances, washing machines, refrigerators, everything that works with electricity or batteries.

Why hand them over for recycling?

Waste electrical and electronic equipment is the fastest growing waste stream. It is estimated that worldwide in 2030, we will get to 74.7 million tons of WEEE generated (equivalent to 7390 Eiffel Towers).

According to the study "Quantification of waste electrical and electronic equipment generated in Romania" conducted by ECOTIC in 2019, a Romanian generates annually 8,3 kg of WEEE of which only 3 kg reach the recycling stream, the rest are thrown away with the garbage, handed over to the scrap metal street collectors or thrown at random in nature.

How can you contribute?

Ecollect take over your waste FREE OF CHARGE,  from headquarters or home, you just have to turn to  (0755) 406 406 or fill in the available form here to place an order. We mention that it ensures the preparation of all the necessary documents for legal entities regarding the disposal of equipment, as well as the evidence of recycling.

„ECOTIC constantly organizes information campaigns for the population on electrical and electronic waste collection solutions, in this case together with our partner Ecollect. These campaigns aim to involve especially the citizens, in the context in which reaching the WEEE collection targets is an important objective assumed by Romania as a member of the European Union. ” Valentin Negoiță, President of ECOTIC

“Garda de Mediu susține acțiunile de colectare în vederea reciclării,  în cazul de față a deșeurilor electrice. Lăudăm inițiativele de acest tip care vin din mediu privat și încurajăm cetățenii să apeleze la acest serviciu gratuit, la îndemâna tuturor.” Ing. Dănuț Emil Hălălai, Comisar Șef  Garda de Mediu Alba

Details about the home pick-up service available throughout the county at (0755) 406 406 and on www.roecollect.ro