2022 In Review


ECOTIC collected in 2022 a volume of 67 700 tons of electrical and electronic waste, a record amount for the Romanian market.

By collecting and recycling more than 320.000 tons of WEEE in 16 years of activity, 1400 tons of hazardous fractions (freon, fluorescent powder, heavy metals) were safely removed and more than 260.000 tons of secondary raw materials were recovered (iron, plastic, aluminum, copper, integrated circuits) and entered in the production process.

At the same time, ECOTIC continued to expand its collection infrastructure through local partnerships, including pick-up services from households and companies/institutions. The number of ECOTIC collection points also increased this year reaching 10.764.

The 220 campaigns Orase Curate (Clean Cities) and Comune Curate (Clean Villages) held in 2022, in partnership with local authorities, brought to citizen's attention e-waste collection solutions, by making available to them collection points, as well as pick-up services for bulky e-waste.

ECOTIC has become the most visible PRO in Romania when it comes to social media and online presence, by diversifying its communication activities. 

We believe that these outstanding results have been possible through close collaboration with environmental authorities, producers, retailers, collection and recycling partners and, of course, consumers.

Valentin Negoiță


67 700 tons of WEEE collected

1024 tons of WBA collected

ECOTIC collection solutions

Support provided to our producers

Involvement in preparation for reuse of EEE

The ECOTIC study

Over 1000 communication and awareness campaigns, initiatives and projects

Collection and information campaigns

Educational projects

ECOTIC Caravan

Campaigns for affiliate producers and partners

International e-Waste Day

"For a Clean Environment" Awards Gala - XIV Edition


We want transparency and tools to more easily share our experience. We have over 16 years of activity, growth and maturation, illustrated in ECOTIC annual reports.

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