ECOTIC presence at the 2014th edition of the Ecomediu event, Arad - XNUMX

de | October. 22, 2014 | News

The event was hosted by Expo Arad between October 15-17, 2014, being organized by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Arad County. 

Reaching its twelfth edition, this event facilitates the access of participants to a wide range of products and services presented at the exhibition stands and in the conference organized by important European leaders, associations, research centers and Romanian and international universities, clusters and representatives of local and government institutions.

During the three days dedicated to the event, international conferences were held that enjoyed real success among all participants. The protection of water, air and soil, recovery, recycling and waste sorting lead to the preservation of Biodiversity were the themes of the conference days. ECOTIC was represented by Valentin Tofana, regional representative and technical expert. The subject of the presentation was the latest study carried out for ECOTIC by GBD Research, which is called "Attitudes and habits regarding waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)".

The survey was conducted as part of the LIFE 13INF / RO / 000090 awareness project, called the "ECOTIC Caravan", co-financed by the European Union through the Life + program. 

All the works presented were published in the brochure of the event, more details being available here: