Started in July 2014, in Slatina, the program "PRACTICES AND EXPERIENCES IN THE FIELD OF SELECTIVE COLLECTION OF WASTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (WEEE)" went through nine municipalities and arrived for the first time in Transylvania. Cluj-Napoca is, this time, the host of the seminar organized by ECOTIC on 30.03.2016 and co-financed by the Life instrument of the European Union, within the ECOTIC Caravan project LIFE13INF / RO / 000090.
It is another large-scale itinerant project of ECOTIC, this time aimed at entities that have local levers in the national WEEE collection and recycling system. The seminar program aims to bring together representatives of local public administration and sanitation companies, to encourage dialogue, expose system problems and identify the best solutions to optimize collection from the population, institutions and companies.
It is an approach that is becoming more and more relevant and acute, given that, starting this year, Romania has a mandatory minimum national target of 40% for WEEE collection. Without involvement and will at the level of local public administration, it is a difficult goal to achieve and can attract significant penalties. It is a common challenge, and the solutions can only be common.