UrbanWINS launches public Agora (debates)

de | June. 6, 2017 | News

Participants share knowledge, debate ideas and create solutions for their cities together.
Citizens, government authorities, organizations, local authorities, managers of waste companies, as well as representatives of academia participate in the Agorele (debates)

Bucureşti, May 2017.

After the launch of the online agora in March 2017, (http://www.ecoteca.ro/urbanwins-lanseaza-agorele-online-un-spatiu-virtual-pentru-dezbateri-dedicate-managementului-deseurilor.html), UrbanWINS (www.urbanwins.eu) also launches Physical Agoras (face-to-face meetings) in order to share knowledge and discuss ideas on waste, resources and innovation. These meetings will take place in 8 pilot cities in Europe - Cremona, Turin, two cities within the municipality of Rome - Albano Laziale and Pomezia (Italy), Bucharest (Romania), Leiria (Portugal), Manresa and Sabadell (Spain).

Get involved too! Participate in online forums and face-to-face debates in your city!

The first agora organized in Bucharest will bring together representatives of NGOs, companies, professional associations, universities and citizens of Bucharest. Bucharest City Hall will organize several other debates of this type in 2017 and 2018, to participatively define objectives and indicators for a Strategic Plan for Waste Prevention and Management. It will be implemented with the support of the participants in the debate sessions.

The meeting on June 6 will take place at Arcub Gabroveni, Str. Lipscani, no. 84 - 90, Columns Hall, between 13: 30-17: 30. Those interested in attending the event are asked to register at the addresses elena.bercus@pmb.ro and adriana@ecoteca.ro, until 28 may 2017.

More information about the event can be found here.

Those interested in contributing to the definition of this strategic plan are also invited to register on the available online platform, www.urbanwins.eu/online-agora, a space where the discussions started in the agora will continue.

Teams from all pilot cities, in a total number of 20 participants, received training according to the new collaborative methods applied by the FCT NOVA Faculty of Science and Technology in Portugal, in order to coordinate the participation sessions that will take place within the Physical Agora. . These methods promote genuine dialogue and encourage the building together of solutions that contribute to the formation of a more responsible and involved attitude among citizens, generating added value for the stakeholders involved.

The recommendations and tools that will be developed together with the citizens will be able to be applied later to other cities. One of the final results of this project will be a set of useful tools for decision-making and the development of waste prevention and management plans, based on participatory and scientific principles, which can be used and applied by any public authority in Europe.

General information

UrbanWINS is a 3-year European project, starting in June 2016, and is funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program. It examines how cities consume resources and products, as well as how they are eliminated. waste generated, in order to develop and test eco-innovative plans and solutions, the aim being a better prevention and management of waste. The participatory approach is an added value of the UrbanWINS project, as the vision of all relevant actors in the field of urban waste generation and management will be taken into account.

The project is coordinated by Municipality of Cremona in Italy, in partnership with 26 international participants.

In Romania, the partners are: Bucharest City Hall, ECOTECA Association, Romania Green Building Council, ECOTIC Association, Global Innovation Solution, ENVIRON Association.

visit here video presentation of the project.

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