- November 15-16, 2019
Target audience:
- the inhabitants of the town of Pantelimon
For the delivery of waste electrical and electronic equipment of at least 5-19 kg cumulated the person will be automatically enrolled in the raffle, and for the delivery of 20-39 kg i know a voucher worth 10 lei, for handing over 40-59 kg is offeredhas a voucher worth 20 lei and for delivery over 60 kg is offeredhas a voucher worth 30 lei.
Collection point:
- Tractorului Street, FN (Garage ECOVOL) - Schedule: 15.11.2019 - 08: 00-16: 00; 16.11.2019 - 08: 00-13: 00
For the collection of bulky equipment from home, citizens are asked to call the phone number: 0729.811.466
Campaign rules are available here.