2020 In Review

tons of WEEE

In the context of the pandemic, the year 2020 was an atypical one for the collection flow due to the establishment of the lock down: the closure of many municipal collection points, activity suspension of many collectors from the market, etc., the retail remaining the basis of the collection.
Despite the inherent difficulties, we ended 2020 with very good results. Thus, the amount of WEEE collected on behalf of ECOTIC producers was 32.753 tons, which represents a collection rate of 47%, and for WBA a quantity of 750 tons, which represents a collection rate of 46,6%.
The volume of WEEE collected last year contributed at reaching the quota of 200.000 tons collected by ECOTIC since the beginning of the activity, the largest quantity collected by an organization of producers in Romania.
In terms of promotion and awareness-raising activities, we've quickly adapted to the new realities by focusing on online activities for both producers and partners and the general public.
The most important campaign of the year was "Act in Romania like abroad!" which took place on several TV channels, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedlN. Thus, over XNUMX millions of Romanians received the message and collection solutions proposed by ECOTIC and the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests.
An important moment was the launch in October of the unique number 021 9641, a number that Romanian citizens use to find the best solutions for handing over electrical waste and batteries, including through the network of over 8600 ECOTIC and ECOTIC BAT collection points.
The year 2020 also meant time for analysis and reflection. Thus, the WEEE Forum organization, of which we are part, carried out together with UNITAR WEEE Flows 2020 study which analyzes WEEE flows internationally.
It identifies the situation in European countries, including Romania, the problems we all face in achieving collection targets and makes recommendations for improving WEEE collection.
The good results of last year, achieved through constant collaboration with producers, retailers, collection and recycling partners and environmental authorities, are an important milestone and impetus for achieving even more ambitious goals in 2021, with the transition to the collection target of 65%.
Valentin Negoiță

WEEE and WBA collection points
WEEE collection rate
people receiving the ECOTIC message
tons of WEEE collected
eco-education videos
WBA collection rate
awarness-raising and collection campaigns
live eco stories for the kids
equipment ready for reuse and donated
tons of battery waste collected
creative recycling videos
Affiliated producers

ECOTIC and ECOTIC BAT producers managed in 2020
the satisfaction level* of producers
webinars addressed to producers
This year as well the producers enjoyed the attention and support of ECOTIC. The seminars, the support provided regarding the NEPA files or the projects dedicated to the employees were only a few ways in which ECOTIC answered to their needs. Despite the pandemic context that characterized XNUMX, the projects addressed to employees continued, adapting to the anti-Covid measures. The awareness-raising and collection campaigns addressed to Cora and Dedeman employees informed them about the importance of separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment and batteries and provided them with collection containers.

* The satisfaction level of producers was assessed annually through an ISO 9001: 2015 questionnaire.
Solved requests
Campaigns dedicated to producers' employees

WEEE + WBA collection points
WEEE collection requests
Collection containers

Reaching the XNUMX% target was again the main objective of ECOTIC for this year, for which considerable efforts have been made. Romania's entry into lock down in March resulted in the cessation of campaigns, the suspension of the activity of approx. XNUMX% of the collectors and the low capacity operation of the others. Despite these restrictions, ECOTIC has supported the producers and the general public through online actions. XNUMX was also a year of preparing the context for the increase of the collection target from XNUMX% to XNUMX% starting with XNUMX. The development of WEEE pick up services from home continued this year, adding new cities to the already existing ones. The collection point system increased despite the health crisis: XNUMX new collection points were set up at national level.


Campaigns in urban areas
tons of WEEE collected
tons of WEEE collected

32753 tons
28316 tons
23390 tons
19305 tons
18930 tons
12771 tons
10938 tons

The national information campaign "Act in Romania like abroad”launched by ECOTIC together with the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests at the beginning of 2020 entered the homes of over 13 million Romanians. Through TV channels and social media, the campaign promoted the message of environmental protection through the separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment. At the same time, the campaign benefited from information and collection activities in several counties, as well as a campaign with influencers on Instagram. here.

views on 4 communication media

unique TV views


The campaign for kindergartens, "Little ones do great deeds" it has continued its journey with future generations of citizens involved in environmental protection. They signed up for this year's edition 201 kindergartens from all over the country, managing to collect 2277,86 kg waste batteries and accumulators.

Awareness and collection campaign, Ecoterrians' School, continued this year as well, but in a new form. Thus, as a result of the closure of the schools, it has adapted, moving temporarily to the virtual space, and extending its period until June 2021. The students from the 197 schools enrolled benefited from video lessons as well as practical activities that they were able to carry out from the safety of their own home.

Join the circle of solidarity
The donation project, Join the circle of solidarity, carried out by ECOTIC and Green WEEE with the support of APDETIC, Informal School of IT, Ateliere fără Frontiere and RFI endowed 14 beneficiaries, mainly schools from disadvantaged areas, with 132 IT equipment.
Ateliere fără Frontiere supported by ECOTIC prepared for reuse within the Educlick project 2117 IT equipment, 2004 of which were donated to schools and students in marginalized areas. The preparation for reuse took place in a workshop for the insertion of vulnerable people on the labour market.


The webinar entitled "2020 Retrospective. 2021 forecasts for WEEE management", organized by ECOTIC together with Hotnews on December 15, 2020 brought together 7 specialists in electrical and electronic waste management.
The topics discussed were the WEEE collection target for 2021, (65% compared to 45% in 2020), the penalty of 4 lei/kg (for unachieved target), the highest penalty in the European Union and the need to implement the "all actors" approach in Romanian legislation in the field of WEEE.
The awarding of the twelfth edition of the "Clean Environment Awards Gala" recognized the efforts of organizations that have proven continuity and developed activities even in a pandemic context:
Suceava County School Inspectorate, Conservation Carpathia, Bîlteni Technological High School, Pesteana-Jiu Secondary School Structure, Bîlteni commune, Gorj County, Salubris SA lasi, General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection, Sector 1, Bucharest.


fans on Facebook
live eco stories for the kids
eco-education videos
creative recycling videos

video spot dedicated to parents on the safe use of pill batteries


WEEE Forum presents a new vision that emphasizes the need to review the current system of extended producers' responsibility, including of the imposed targets, which are no longer appropriate in the current context.
1. Applying the principle of "involvement of all actors" by which all public and private entities that have access to WEEE are responsibilized.
2. OTRs are required to collect only WEEEto which they have access, namely those from the collection and retail points or handed over directly to OTRs.
3. Introduction of several measures that the authorities should implement to support the increase in WEEE collection (including the establishment of a coordinating body)
4. Revision of the calculation method in setting targets for the amount of WEEE to be collected in each Member State.
Details: www.weee-forum.org

ECOTIC provides you free of charge:
collection containers and waste electrical equipment pick-up (including light sources), batteries and accumulators;
traceability of documentation and tracking of the flow until the cessation of waste status;
information materials, infrastructure and delivery solutions for companies that organize awareness-raising campaigns for employees.
For collaboration, please contact us at the email address: logistica@ecotic.ro

annual activity reports
We want transparency and tools to share our experience more easily. We have 14 years of activity, growth and maturity, illustrated in the ECOTIC annual reports.