Public debate on the National Waste Management Strategy for the Period 2014-2020

de | May 16, 2013 | News

On April 25, 2013, the public debate on the National Waste Management Strategy for the period 2014 - 2020, organized by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, took place. The debate took place at the Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science.

This debate was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, the National Agency for Environmental Protection, associations that take responsibility for waste management, but also representatives of companies operating in the field of waste collection and recycling.    

ECOTIC was represented at this debate by Valentin Negoita, president of the organization.

Simona Ghita, director of the Waste Management Department of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, presented the National Waste Management Strategy, discussing the purpose of the Strategy, that of protecting the environment and human health by reducing the amount of waste generated and increasing their use as resources, but also the strategic objectives of this strategy. These objectives aim at improving the quality of the environment and protecting the health of the population, supporting research / development activities in the field of waste management, encouraging green investments, increasing resource efficiency, sustainable waste management, linking waste management policies with climate change, development responsible behavior regarding the prevention of waste generation and management as well as the strengthening of the institutional capacity.

Valentin Negoita highlighted several aspects: the importance of monitoring and auditing waste flows receives as much attention as possible (eg electrical and electronic waste).

The conclusions of the meeting refer to the fact that the National Waste Management Strategy:

- establishes the strategic direction of waste management in Romania, for the current and immediately following period, until 2020;

- represents an important landmark in the process of implementing the Law on waste and establishing an integrated approach in terms of waste management within the Government and society, in a broader sense;

- recognizes the fact that Romania must follow the path towards a "recycling society";

- it is essential as a direction for the elaboration of the National Waste Management Plan which will concretely establish objectives, measures with deadlines and responsibilities.

The National Waste Management Strategy can be consulted here. 


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