Winners of the Awards Gala for a Clean Environment, XNUMXth edition

de | Dec. 14, 2012 | Awards Gala, News

The Awards Gala for a clean environment 2012, held on Thursday, December 13 at the Novotel Hotel, hosted over 120 guests, both central and local authorities, as well as representatives of partner companies and the media. The sponsors of the event were Greentronics, Vlamir and Vinarte.

The fourth edition of the Awards Gala for a Clean Environment brought together this year 34 social responsibility projects in the field of environmental protection.

The competition had five winners:

The Grand Prize was won by rompetrol for environmental protection initiatives carried out in the project "Together for everyone "

Excellence Award was granted to the company Vodafone Romania for environmental protection initiatives carried out in the project "Electronic invoice ”

Eco Award was awarded to the Economic College "DP Marțian" from Alba Iulia for environmental protection initiatives carried out in the project "PRONATURA 2012"

Special prizes were won by Special Gymnasium School for hearing impaired "Saint Mary" for environmental protection initiatives carried out in the project "Green space - Guarantee of life " si SIEMENS ROMANIA for environmental protection initiatives carried out in the project "VICTORIA 20.20 ″

The press release given at the end of this campaign is available here. 



Find here more details related to the XNUMXth edition of the Clean Environment Awards Gala. 


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