2014 - Activities and results ECOTIC

de | February. 25, 2015 | News

Being at the end of the ninth year of business, we can declare that ECOTIC has become a mature organization with significant impact on the management of electrical and electronic equipment and waste batteries and accumulators in Romania. 

We managed over 11,000 tons of WEEE and over 60 tons of DBA keeping an uptrend on both flows and realizing the highest collection rates in the market.

WEEE collection infrastructure and DBA has increased to 550 collection points for electronics and 3.180 collection points for batteries. The new collection solutions are available at ECOTIC and ECOTIC BAT's networks: Altex and Media Galaxy, Metro, Penny, XXL, Mega Image, Doi Pasi network, as well as universities like ASE and UPB.

ECOTIC continued the implementation of WEEELABEX standards by complex evaluations of treatment operations partners, WEEE batch tretment tests and systematization of waste streams.

Examples of how to properly recycle WEEE were detailed in our articles that also addressed on how to conduct verifications of treatment operations, how they recycle a monitor, how they recycle PC's and cooling and refrigeration units.

This year, ECOTIC conducted an extensive market study entitled "Attitudes and habits concerning waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)", one of the conclusions of this study indicating that urban households are found in about 7.1 kg WEEE / inhabitant. Another study conducted by ECOTIC WEEE revealed that most of WEEE in rural areas is historical waste.

In November, ECOTIC launched the project "Caravan ECOTIC", a comprehensive awareness project, financed by the European Commission through the Life +. The core of the Caravan is a mobile exhibition which presents ten types of waste electrical and electronic equipment disassembled, showing for educational components. The caravan will reach 150 schools and 30 public markets by mid-2016.

 The project includes actions "Recycling Days in your town". In 2014, "ECO DAYS in your school" project events were organized in Bucharest, Timisoara and Giurgiu, the caravan being hosted by 21 schools, 9.192 students understanding better why it is well properly recycle WEEE and DBA, and local seminars with institutions involved in the management of WEEE.

A remarkable event was the sixth edition of "Awards Gala 2014 for a clean environment" where high-impact projects in environmental protection and sustainable development were awarded.

Other projects and public awareness collection conducted in 2014 by ECOTIC and ECOTIC BAT were:

You recycle, we reward you - environmental education campaign in schools

RRResponsible  - completed project funded by the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program

• collection and awareness campaigns in Botosani, Iasi, Timisoara and Buzau

• collection and awareness campaigns store chains Metro, Media Galaxy and Dedeman and in UPB

And the little ones do great deeds - kindergartens campaign dedicated DBA

Recycle with ECOTIC - devoted B2B project


Other important activities:

ECOTIC hosted the WEEE Forum General Assembly in Bucharest, where he was elected a new President, who will represent the collective organizations at the European level.

ECOTIC got involved in legislative debates related to waste management, participating in the debate on the implementation of the new WEEE Directive and the opinions and reviews were submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. ECOTIC joined the "Horizon 2020 Initiative Romania" group in which market actors discuss ways to improve the legislative framework.

ECOTC participated in the discussion of the new law on sanitation and other events with the Ministry of Environment.

Members of the ECOTIC's team held presentations at events like: How we clean Romania - ZF Conference, ECOMEDIA 2014European Recycling Society - Natural Resources and Waste ManagementGlobal challenges - local approaches: waste recycling & resource saving,  R4R - Region for Recycling and VIP partners meeting Likeit.

Together for a clean environment! 


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