“It's time to say goodbye to the old equipment” a rural project in Suceava County

de | July. 1, 2013 | Ecotic Projects

Between June 28 and July 24, 2013, a campaign for the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) from the population was organized in rural areas of Suceava County. The campaign, organized by ECOTIC and Ecorec Recycling Bacau in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency Suceava, aimed at increasing the involvement and awareness of local public administration and of the rural population in the county in the selective collection of these types of wastes.
The program also included an information and educational side as well as a practical component, meaning the separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment by offering to the licensed collector solutions to a public issue still unsolved: separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

In the aboved mentioned period an Ecorec Recycling van passed through the villages that were included in the project. The population was encouraged to hand over WEEE.

The organizers stimulated the environmentally-minded population with symbolic prizes.

The participating villages were: Drăguşeni, Vadu Moldovei, Boroaia, Bogdăneşti, Mălini, Fântâna Mare, Păltinoasa, Drăgoieşti, Rădăşeni, Capu Câmpului, Ciprian Porumbescu, Cacica, Pârteştii de Jos, Botoşana and Suceviţa.

Until now we collected from: 

  • Paltinoasa on 10.07.2013, 1820 Kg WEEE;
  • Ciprian Porumbescu on 11.07.2013, 1450 kg WEEE;
  • Drăgoiești on 12.07.2013/1762/XNUMX, XNUMX kg WEEE;
  • Mălini on 1707.2013, 290 kg WEEE;
  • Capu Campului on 18.07.2013 1504 kg WEEE;
  • Boroaia on 19.07.2013, 950 kg WEEE;
  • Bogdănești on 20.07.2013, 962 kg WEEE;
  • Drăgoișeti - 22.07.2013, 736 kg WEEE;
  • Vadu Moldovei - 23.07.2013, 1635 kg WEEE;
  • Fântâna Mare - 24.07.2013, 604 kg WEEE;
  • Rădășeni - 25.07.2013, 632 kg WEEE;
  • Partasstii de Jos - 1592 kg WEEE;
  • Botosana - 1886 kg WEEE;
  • Cacica - 658 kg WEEE;


Other three villages joined the project even if the development period came to its end.

  • Mazanesti
  • Upper Parties
  • Sucevita

We estimate that approximately 20 tons of WEEE will be collected from the rural areas of Suceava.

We thank you all that you understood our message and contributed to the protection of the environment!


The press release is available here.