About the project
The ECOTIC Association carried out in the period 2015-2016, the activities within the “Steps for WEEE” project, co-financed in proportion of 90% by Norway Grants.
Innovation Norway (www.eeagrants.org; www.norwaygrants-greeninnovation.no) is a line of financing of the Norwegian Government to develop in Romania projects to increase the competitiveness of the green economy, the development of environmentally friendly technologies, the creation of jobs in the green industry and the encouragement of entrepreneurship in this segment.
The goal The main advantage of this project was the improvement RATES recyclable waste collection and impact reduction negative on the environment in particular of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The main planned result of the project is the construction of a Municipal Center for the Collection of Recyclable and Hazardous Waste, from the population, in Municipiul Iasi. This Center aims to become a local solution for the Municipality of Iasi and an example of good practice at national level. The need to make such a waste disposal solution available to citizens derives from:
- low values at national level of WEEE collection rates, recyclable waste;
- inefficient infrastructure of municipal solutions for collecting recyclable waste;
- WEEE drains into metal waste streams;
Project objectives
The main objective of the project was to set up a municipal waste collection center, the first of its kind in Romania. Also, within the project we created a street WEEE collection system, composed of 15 street containers for collecting small WEEE (computers, radios, etc.). Another The activity of the project consisted in carrying out a study on WEEE generated in Romania. Also within this project, the ECOTIC team was trained in Lean Management.
Project financing source
Green Industry Innovation Program: www.norwaygrants-greeninnovation.no
Green Industry Program innovationAtion for Romania contributes to the general objective of the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014, which has the role to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthen the bilateral relations between Norway and Romania. The program is in accordance with the Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union on the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014, the Regulation on the implementation of the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014 and the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the Norwegian financial mechanism between Norway and Romania . The aim of the program is to increase the competitiveness of green enterprises, including greening existing industries, green innovation and green entrepreneurship.
The Green Industry Innovation program for Romania is a business development program. The vision of the program is: "Good for business and Good for the Environment". The program implements the concept of green industry in practical global understanding. Activities to be supported are: development, implementation, investment and training related to green technologies, green products and innovative services, waste reduction and reuse, energy efficiency initiatives and more efficient use of energy from renewable sources in business operations, as well as increasing the efficiency of resources through the system and the process of innovation in business operations.
InErgeo: http://www.inergeo.com/
InErgeo's areas of expertise are:
• management consulting, continuous improvement, LEAN training and LEAN reference analysis;
• waste and HazWaste administration;
• safety and quality assurance and control;
• innovative environmental technology;
• cooperation between Norwegian and other European enterprises within EEA grants;
• project management, revision, innovation and research and development initiatives;
• LEAN international network of expertise through our partner LEANMAP.
InErgeo works in collaboration with:
• Athene AS Project Management
• Hjellnes Consult AS
• Mepex AS
• Eco Lighthouse Foundation
• Security Center If
InErgeo is a member of the Norwegian Hazardous Waste Association - www.nffa.no
In December 2014, the partnership was signed with the Municipality of Iasi - HCL 395/2014 regarding the approval of the establishment of a Municipal Center for the Collection of Recyclable Waste and Hazardous Waste from the population. The center located on Stradela Gradinari no. 26 from Iasi, is a result of the association between the Municipality of Iasi and the ECOTIC Organization http://www.primaria-iasi.ro/content.aspx?item=1628&lang=RO
Joint visit of the representatives of ECOTIC, Iasi City Hall, Salubris SA, ADIS Iasi in Norway, in which the good practices in the field of municipal waste management were analyzed.
Objectives visited:
LINDUM DRAMMEN - http://lindum.no/;
- Company owned by the Municipality of Drammen, Norway.
- Manages recyclable and hazardous waste collection flows in collection centers, owns and operates a biogas plant, composting station, land for final storage.
VESAR DRAMMEN - http://vesar.no/
- Represents the interests of several municipalities in Norway, in the field of selective collection and recycling of waste from the population.
- Organizes and manages collection flows of recyclable and hazardous waste from the population, in municipal collection centers.
- The collection centers represent own investments, and the transport and operation services related to the collection centers are purchased from third party providers
Oslo Waste Management Organization
- Organizes and manages flows for collecting recyclable and hazardous waste from the population. They have collection centers, the largest and best performing municipal waste sorting plant in Europe, composting plant, incinerator.
FRANZEFOSS - http://www.franzefoss.no/
- Private company that collects, pre-sorts construction and demolition waste
RFD DRAMMEN - http://www.rfd.no;
- Organizes and manages flows for collecting recyclable and hazardous waste from the population.
- They have collection centers in accessible areas of cities, as well as municipal collection centers for all categories of recyclable and hazardous waste, from the population.
Pe March 10 2016, had the launch of the center. More information about the Iasi Municipal Collection Center can be found on the dedicated website www.cmciasi.ro
Between May 14-15, 2015, ECOTIC staff participated in the LEAN Training training session, facilitated by InErgeo, partner in the project. The main purpose of the training session was to understand the main ideas and philosophy of LEAN, applied to its own activity and to WEEE recycling activities.
Results - acquired professional skills:
- Defining the losses within the developed processes, implementing 5S in the daily activity
- Use of visual management systems
- Defining KPIs for measuring and developing organizational objectives
- Writing and reviewing procedures
In period February 17 - March 14, 2016, 1350 students from 21 schools, they learned notions about selective collection and were informed about the launch of the first municipal collection center opened right in Iasi (CMCI).
The students of the 21 schools asked questions and showed interest in everything that means separate collection, including the new center in their city.
STREET COLLECTION SYSTEM - Sector 3 of Bucharest
ECOTIC, in partnership with City Hall of Sector 3 si Rosal Group, launched the WEEE street collection system in Sector 3 of the capital within the project Steps for WEEE.
The initiative involves the development of a waste collection infrastructure for small electrical and electronic equipment, by placing in the public space and with easy access a number of 15 collection containers.
The containers are located in the following locations:
- 1 Decembrie Street, intersection with Bicaz Dam
- 1 Decembrie Street, intersection with Laceni
- 1 Decembrie Street, intersection with Postavarului
- Nicolae Grigorescu Street, intersection with Burdujeni
- Nicolae Grigorescu Street, intersection with Peco OMV
- Nicolae Grigorescu Street, intersection with Lunca Bradului
- Unirii Boulevard intersection with Anton Pann Street
- Liviu Rebreanu Street, intersection with Odobesti Street
- Mihai Bravu Street, intersection with Rond Baba Novac
- Nicolae Grigorescu Street, intersection with Stanila Alley
- Mircea Voda Street intersection with Nerva Traian Street
- Matei Basarab Street intersection with Labirint Street
- Corneliu Coposu Boulevard intersection with Iuliu Barasch Street
- Nerva Traian Boulevard intersection with Panait Cerna Street
- Constantin Brancusi Street, intersection with Rond Gloria
MARKET STUDY "Quantification of WEEE generated in Romania"
An important activity in this project is represented by the study of "Generated WEEE". More details about the study can be found here and related to its launch here.
News archive of this project:
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/au-predat-si-au-castigat-campanie-de-colectare-stradala-sector-3/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/tombola-campaniei-de-lansare-a-centrului-municipal-de-colectare-iasi-iasul-meu-curat-si-a-desemnat-castigatorii/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/start-la-colectarea-stradala-deee-in-sectorul-3/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/premiera-pentru-romania-la-iasi-s-a-deschis-primul-centru-municipal-de-colectare-a-deseurilor/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/din-17-februarie-elevii-ieseni-afla-despre-centrul-municipal-de-colectare-iasi/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/lansamcele-15-puncte-de-colectare-stradale-din-sectorul-3/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/10162/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/lansare-studiu-deee-cuantificarea-deseurilor-de-echipamente-electrice-si-electronice-generate-in-romania/
- https://www.ecotic.ro/stiri/campania-iasul-meu-curat-in-scolile-din-iasi/